Q: “How has your moms approach to spirituality shaped your own?” –Tricia Sydney

A: This is an excellent question because my mothers’ philosophies and mine are similar and yet so different. First of all I want to say that I believe that it is the responsibility of a parent to encourage their child to grow and explore this world and this life and to be opened minded to different cultures, foods, religions, spiritual belief systems etc. My mother did just that in many ways. From a young age she encouraged me to explore different religious beliefs and spiritual philosophies. I can remember going to churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, ashrams and meditation retreats. All of these experiences shaped my life and allowed me to explore what I feel today is my spiritual knowledge and personal set of spiritual belief systems. Today I personally believe in God. Now my idea of God is not necessarily religious one. I believe in and value the wisdom of many saints: Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna, Mother Earth and have favored over time to see my share of Guru’s and spiritual teachers. But, I personally believe that my GOD is to big, to great, to powerful, to amazing, to infinite to put any kind of human characteristic on it. Simply I believe that all is GOD. I believe that inside of all living things is the divine and that we all have the ability to tap into this great source and to live from this place always with the willingness to get closer to it. I believe that this divine intelligence expresses itself through us. I could go further and further down the rabbit hole and maybe one day with another question I will but that pretty much sums it up.
